A Crisis of Innocence

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Cuero Record January 7 1955 crop.jpg
Looks at the British initiative to morally clean-up their country. There is also mention of the fact that there are attempts being made to ban the sale of horror comics in Britain.

Burning Avoided crop.jpg
Short newspaper clipping about how a Comic Book burning was averted in favour of donating the comic books to the Salvation Army as scrap paper.

Salina Journal October 10 1954 crop.pdf
Explores the public's growing support of taking horror comics off the shelves. The image accompanying the article features the wide eyes of a child reader mirroring the eyes of the victim on the cover of the horror comic, highlighting the boy's…

Catholic Students Burn Up Comic Books crop.jpg
Discusses the burning of 2000 comic books, as ordered by the Bishop of the Albany Catholic Diocese

Cause of Delinquency.pdf
Utilizes the research of two leading psychologists to disprove much of Wertham's arguments about the impact of horror and crime comics on children.

All comics that carried this seal were approved by the Comic Code Authority. Under the code, almost all depictions of horror and violence, as well as sexual perversity, were forbidden.

Schultz - Censorship or Self Regulation.pdf
Schultz attributes the "mass hysteria" around comics to Wertham, and the rise of hysteria to the development of doubts about the harm of comics, and the concern over the threat to freedom of speech.

Children to Net Good Books crop.jpg
Discusses a book burning that took place in Vancouver, in which the children received classic books in return for burning up their crime and horror comics.

Clergymen crop.jpg
Notes the move by E. D. Fulton to ban the production and sale of Crime comics in Canada. Flaherty explains that the two men who most approved of the bill were conservative clergymen.

Bismarck Tribune March 3 1949.jpg
Discusses comic book censorship, and the fact that it is infringing on people's ability to read whatever they want.
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