A Crisis of Innocence

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House of Commons - June 8th, 1948.pdf
A record of the discussions held by the House of Commons in 1948 regarding the distribution of comics in Canada. Fulton argues that there is a link between delinquent behavior in children and several comic titles.

Crime Comics and the Constitution - Stanford.pdf
Discussing the possibility of an all out ban on crime comics. Writer(s) call for more investigation into the potential dangers of crime and horror comic books.

Kingsport Times News July 8 1956 crop.jpg
Discusses how comic book censorship has been effective in some respects in the United States. Won Lee explores the fact that children are becoming more discerning in their reading choices, thus losing interest in obscene comics.

Wertham Ladies' Home Journal 1953.pdf
A magazine article written by Wertham. He argues that juvenile delinquency is becoming more prevalent and violent due to the popularity of comics with children.

Greenville Delta Democrat Times April 10 1949 crop.jpg
Explores the fact that there are very few laws governing the sale of crime and horror comics.

Cedar Rapids Gazette October 10 1954 crop.jpg
Applauds the decrease in sale of horror comics, and suggests censorship of horror films

Abilene Reporter News February 11 1957 crop.jpg
Discusses the war on lewd comics that was taking place in the 1950's, in which people found producing or selling "lewd" comic books could be prosecuted.

North Adams Transcript, February 3 1949.jpg
Announces the establishment of a citizens committee to supervise comics sales and distribution in New Orleans. The committee attributes criminal behavior to parents rather than comic books.

Winnipegger Fined crop.jpg
Discusses the start of the actual war on comics, in which a Winnipeger named Abe Roher was convicted of selling crime comics and fined $5.

Psychiatrist Charges Stalling crop.jpg
Looks at the way that comic book legislation in the United States was slower to act than in Canada.
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