A Crisis of Innocence

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the wild spree of the laughing sadist_convertedfromdocx.pdf
Crime comic that depicts the criminal's violent childhood.

Bender - The Psychology of Children's Reading and the Comics.pdf
An exploration of fantasy and childhood psychological development.

the closet_converted.pdf
An aunt keeps her niece undernourished and trapped in a closet. The girl tricks her aunt into going into the closet and traps her there instead.

my daddy should have listened_convertedfromdocx.pdf
This story is about a young boy who is the son of an acclaimed horror comics author. Young Johnnie befriends a rather odd looking boy who goes by the name of Willie. Johnnie's father is in a slump in with his work and feels that he is unable to…

Story features Maggie in depictions of innocence, surrounded by animals and nature.

Cover of the 1924 edition of Heidi featuring shepherd children in an idealized setting.

Cover and illustrations of a book featuring stylized portrayals of childhood innocence typical of the period.

Horror Comic Book Cleanup crop pg. 1.jpg
Discusses the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommitee's worries about post-war crime comic books.

A clip from the 1988 film "Comic Book Confidential." The video features an interview with Dr. Fredric Wertham in which he condemns comics for corrupting children
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