A Crisis of Innocence

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June 4th, 1948 - House of Commons - Fulton tries to get use of mail denied to comic producers.pdf
Fulton attempts to get use of mail denied to comic producers.

June 3rd, 1948 - House of Commons - Fulton asks for revision of Juvenile Delinquents Act.pdf
Fulton asks for revision of Juvenile Delinquents Act.

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This article discusses the UN's considerations for banning the sale of crime and sex comics worldwide.

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Discusses the start of the actual war on comics, in which a Winnipeger named Abe Roher was convicted of selling crime comics and fined $5.

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One of the only articles found regarding the prosecution of a comic book publisher for violating the sanctions that were put on the publishing of Crime comics. Superior Comics were fined and suspended for continuing to publish questionable content.

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Looks at the Fulton bill, and the way that the House of Commons appeared to be backing the bill to put tougher restrictions on the sale and publication of crime comics.

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Exploring the bill put forth by Fulton, this article examines the fact that the House of Commons will soon vote on whether or not to impose stronger sanctions on the distribution and production of Crime Comics in Canada.

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Outlines the passing of Bill No. 10 in Canada, which aimed to curb the production and distribution of horror comics.

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Fulton demands that the term "obscene" be better defined in legislation so that laws about the publication and distribution of such books can properly enforced.

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Discusses a government decision to lift the ban on the importation of comic books from the United States. Outlines the anxieties present in censors about the amount of questionable comic book material that will soon be imported into Canada.
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