A Crisis of Innocence

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Whip Knife crop.jpg
Recalls a court case in which Dr. Fredric Wertham explains how he was able to purchase a whip from a comic book. He claims that teen-aged murderers were directly influenced by comic books.

Fight Against Horror Comics.pdf
A look at the way that other parts of the world were also trying to ban horror comics.

Kinneman - The Comics and Their Appeal to the Youth of Today.pdf
Kinneman discusses the results of a questionnaire she asked students to fill out. Some of the recorded student responses echo ideas held by anti-comic journalists and psychiatrists.

Childhood Printed Word crop pg. 2.jpg
Discusses the function of reading in the lives of children who are becoming literate. The image accompanying this text features a young girl looking stereotypically innocent while reading.

Freudian analysis of violence in reality and comic books by Fredric Wertham's research collaborator. Agrees with the idea that comics inspire children to violence.

Sterling North A National Disgrace.png
North incites parents and teachers to band together in the fight against comic books.

Cover and illustrations of a book featuring stylized portrayals of childhood innocence typical of the period.

Petersen - The Harmful Publications (Young Persons) Act of 1926.pdf
Examines early-20th century German censorship attempts and their influence on the Nazi regime.

As a Child Readeth - Rolseth.pdf
A high school teacher contests the idea that reading material influences a child's development.

Smith - Horror comics offer lessons.pdf
A list of positive things that come from horror comics.
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