A Crisis of Innocence

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Southtown Economist April 25 1945 crop.jpg
Explains a recollection of the effects of crime comics on one 17-year-old boy.

Juvenile Delinquency Seen on Increase crop.jpg
Among other topics, discusses Edgar Bromberger's reports on the necessity for psychiatric consultation in hospitals.

Oakland Tribune November 12 1950 crop.jpg
Claims that it is not the fault of comic books that children are growing more and more delinquent, rather it is issues in the home that are causing juvenile delinquency.

Psychiatrist Charges Stalling crop.jpg
Looks at the way that comic book legislation in the United States was slower to act than in Canada.

Publisher to Drop Crime and Horror Comics crop.jpg
Announces that Entertaining Comics is dropping 5 of their popular crime and horror comic series due to a drop in sales brought on by the backlash of anti-comic organizations.

Daily Herald December 11 1942 crop.jpg
Discusses a speech given by Miss Olive Flaherty, a professional reviewer of children's books. She claims that parents should encourage their children to read exciting travel books and mystery stories so as to foster a love for reading of "good"…

Stick-in-the-Mud, pg. 8.jpg
A boy willingly leads his murderous stepmother to die in quicksand.

Crime and Punishment #2, pg. 37.jpg
Reader's forum page with letters from mothers. The mothers approve that their children read Crime Does Not Pay.

Crime and Punishment #6, pg. 44.jpg
Published letters to the editor with short responses. Includes letters from a pastor and a mother.

Crime and Punishment #21, pg. 47.jpg
Published letters to the editor. Includes a letter from a Filipino reader.
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