A Crisis of Innocence

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Horror Comics (BMJ 1954).pdf
Outlines the fact that horror comics seem to actually be geared towards children through the advertisements being used in them. The article also references some of the attempts at censorship that were taking place in England and Scotland at the time.…

Britain Plans Law to Curb Horror Comics crop.pdf
Outlines the British bill to ban the sale of horror comics to children. Claims that children are highly impressionable, and that in reading comic books children can be corrupted.

Great Bend Daily Tribune January 6 1955 crop.pdf
Discusses moral issues in Britain, including subjects of prostitution, homosexuality, pornography and obscene literature.

Cuero Record January 7 1955 crop.jpg
Looks at the British initiative to morally clean-up their country. There is also mention of the fact that there are attempts being made to ban the sale of horror comics in Britain.

Horror Comics Vanish From Library of Lords crop.jpg
Discusses how horror comics have gone missing in the Library of Lords in Britain.

Outlines the British Act meant to prevent the distribution and sale of offensive material to young people.

obscene publications act 1959.pdf
Provides the details of the 1959 British Act to amend the law concerning the publication and distribution of obscene material.
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