A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (49 total)

Lethbridge Herald December 7 1949 crop.jpg
Looks at the way tougher laws about the production and distribution of comics has caused for distributors to turn their attention to obscene pocket books.

Cedar Rapids Gazette October 10 1954 crop.jpg
Full page of small articles that all deal with the problem of horror comics and children.

National P-TA Official Assails Horror Comics crop.jpg
Discuses comic censorship. Includes a statement from President Roosevelt insisting parents need to do all that they can in order to protect the innocence of children moving forward.

On Comic Books crop.jpg
Claims that comics have no merit because they do not instill a love for the English language, which is instilled by other forms of literature.

Our Children.pdf
Discusses the need to burn comics since they should not be in the hands of children.

Cedar Rapids Gazette October 10 1954 crop.jpg
Applauds the decrease in sale of horror comics, and suggests censorship of horror films

Quash Conviction crop.jpg
Discusses an indictment surrounding Superior Comics, one of the primary Canadian Publishers of crime comics.

NY State Joint Legislative Committee to Study Comics 1954.pdf
Introductory summary of the Committee's previous activities and findings before commencing a discussion of Wertham and his work. Also includes an examination of "pocket books," inexpensive books that often depicted obscene subjects.

Report of the Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials.pdf
Report on the findings of the Committee into pornographic materials (literary, photography, and illustrations).

Russian Says crop.jpg
Claims American comic magazines, such as Superman, is leading to a mass fascisization of American youth.
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